Young Parents United offers comprehensive wrap-around support and services, advocacy and resource coordination designed to meet the unique needs of teen parents and their children, break destructive cycles and open the doors for growth and opportunities to achieve these successful outcomes for young parents. The programs aim to stabilize with basic needs support, build independence, life and parenting skills among teen parents - resulting in improved parenting skills, stability and self-sufficiency, while transforming unhealthy patterns. Young Parents United of ers extensive case management, mentoring, child development and parenting skills training, educational programs, assistance with housing stability, high school education completion, college planning, employment assistance, childcare planning, a safety network, social connections, family activities and much more. The organization works with other human service and nonprofit organizations to provide direction and support positive change for adolescent parents and to help change the landscape for very young parents, their children and society.

Young Parents United's "Core Services" program is designed to provide assistance in key areas where young parents face many complex individual and systemic / socioeconomic barriers -- with the goal to help stabilize families and set the foundation for personal development, capable parenting and independence.
Case Management / Advocacy
Health & Safety Plan
Food Stability
Housing Advocacy & Support
Basic Needs Assistance
Baby Supplies & Equipment
Transportation Assistance
Infant Safety & Safe Sleep Program
Prenatal / Postpartum Support​

Young Parents United's "Bridge to Independence Program" is designed to assist young parents to develop and implement a path to success as an individual and as a parent with the end goal of self-sufficiency and capable parenting. This includes a comprehensive initial assessment of needs and the development of goals and an individualized service plan specific to each parent.
Case Management
Classes & Workshops
(Life Skills, Nutrition, Parenting & Child Development, Adulting, Financial Literacy, Child Health & Safety)
Support Groups
Education Assistance
Employment Assistance

Young Parents United's "Support Systems & Relationships" Program is designed to assist parents and children to enhance / build healthy relationships with one another. This program supports families to learn new patterns of behavior and interactions that lead to more success withing their families and society.
Family Activities
Parent / Child / Family Relationship Building Programs
Social Skills Classes
Relationship Skills Classes
Behavioral / Emotional Regulation Classes

This program provides various seasonal and holiday programming, as follows:
Family Winter Coat Shop (coats, boots, hats, gloves)
Thanksgiving Meal Program
Christmas Gift & Meal Program
Toys for Tots
Christmas Tree Shop for Families
Family Holiday Events throughout the Year